Many evangelical and fundamentalist groups consider the use of medicine as an affront to God. They believe - in general - that disease is merely a facade put forward by the devil, and to "cure" it one only needs to have faith in God. Because of this belief, such parents with sick children will refuse to seek medical attention for their kids. Many children have died of easily treatable diseases or conditions because parents have refused to help them through science. Most of the time these children were not old enough to themselves ask for medical attention, believing that their parents were doing all they could to help them.
In general, the controversy surrounding this issue centers around the nature of child abuse or endangerment versus the right to freedom of religion. The religious side argues that they can practice whatever methods they want, as in America we have freedom of religion. Thus, they claim, they cannot be legally prosecuted.
However, the opposition argues that the freedom of religion does not apply in cases where a life is put in danger. When that freedom allows a death to occur that could have been prevented, those responsible should be held accountable.
I initially chose this issue because I had recently read a blog post entitled "One a Month" (to be found at The title refers to the average number of children that die each year as a result of parental negligence due to religious beliefs. Any such singular occurrence is horrible; to know that it happens consistently is infuriating.
On a broader scope, I have always been interested in the religious debate in America. Siding with the atheists and secularists, I try to keep up with the various controversies of the issue in America. This research topic is merely a sub-category of an area that appeals to me.
Bravo - very well spoken and comprehensive so far. I completely agree with your position and I look forward to your belligerent assaults on fundamentalist beliefs. There really isn't much left for me to say - you've said it all better than I could have so far. I especially like this sentence: "Any such singular occurrence is horrible; to know that it happens consistently is infuriating."
ReplyDeleteThis is really well written and it seems like a really interseting topic. I agree with this stance because the children can't really make a choice for themselves and their parents are clearly biased. Really well done.